Archive for author ‘Dario de Judicibus’

Dario de Judicibus

Dario de Judicibus is a Certified Managing Consultant of IBM Italia. He is also an inventor (5 patents) and a writer (2 manuals, 3 essays, one novel, two short tales and more than 250 articles published in hardcopy). He has many hobbies as playing guitar, photography, and martial arts.

Sustainable Fashion

Dario de Judicibus talks about fashion, ethics, sustainability and total reality in the III Forum on Fashion in Milan, «Sustainable fashion: between creativity and technology».

Social Networks: the Next G...

One of the charges most frequently made to social networks is that they are “things for losers”, that is, they are intended for people who seek in the web the illusion to have many friends, being unable to have them in the real world. Most of those who have a Facebook or Twitter account, actually has friends and acquaintan [...]

Thought (48)

Vietnam: the winners always write history. Even when they lose. Dario de Judicibus, Rome, March 10th, 2012 Translations Vietnam: la storia la scrivono sempre i vincitori. Anche quando perdono. Vietnam: les gagnants toujours écrire l'histoire. Même quand ils perdent. Vietnam: Die Sieger schreiben Geschichte immer. [...]

Thought (47)

It's not that the government is too influenced by lobbies, is that the people have not a lobby! Dario de Judicibus, Verbania, March 1st, 2012 Translations Non è che il governo si faccia influenzare troppo dalle lobby, è che il popolo non ce l'ha una lobby! Ce n'est pas que le gouvernement est trop influencée par le [...]

Beyond Democracy

People often says that democracy is not perfect but still the best form of government. Living since I was born in a democratic system, I can say that this is not entirely true, especially if we consider this statement within a realistic picture of what is in fact our society. The founding principle of democracy is that it is defined as [...]

iPad: not such a friendly k...

It is almost two years that I use both an iPad and an iPhone and I think I can say, with a minimum knowledge of the facts, what is truly usable and what is not in these two devices. Today I want to focus on a particular aspect, that is, the virtual keyboard. As you may know, these devices have an on-screen virtual keyboard. In fact, you can [...]

I have no one to blame but&...

⇆ Per gentile concessione di Pietro Vanessi Francesca P., 29 anni, dopo aver lavorato per 10 anni come precaria presso un call center per mantenersi agli studi, un anno fa si è laureata in Ingegneria Aeronautica, magna cum laude, e adesso è riuscita finalmente a trovare un posto fisso come segretaria presso una piccola azi [...]

Jus Soli

⇆ Dal sito del Ministero dell'Interno: Lo “ius soli” fa riferimento alla nascita sul “suolo”, sul territorio dello Stato e si contrappone, nel novero dei mezzi di acquisto del diritto di cittadinanza, allo “ius sanguinis”, imperniato invece sull'elemento della discendenza o della filiazione [...]

A Perfect Murder

⇆ «Delitto perfetto» di Dario de Judicibus 3ª edizione, 2012, "Si tratta di un delitto." Quando Albert aveva aperto la porta della piccola mansarda nella quale abitava e che spuntava, come un'isoletta del Pacifico, in mezzo a un mare di tetti di cotto e di altane piastrellate, non si aspett [...]

The State of the Art of Pub...

⇆   Il mercato italiano dell'editoria non è affatto semplice, soprattutto adesso, e non solo in seguito alla profonda crisi economico-finanziaria che sta attraversando il nostro Paese ma anche a causa di una difficoltà fisiologica ad adattarsi ai molti cambiamenti che stanno avvenendo sul mercato editoriale a livello mondiale. [...]

Causes, not justifications

⇆ Sto per affrontare un argomento difficile e, come al solito, so già che finirò per mettermi contro sia l'una che l'altra parte, ma tant'è, è nella mia natura non seguire mai la corrente. Recentemente, durante un'intervista, Monsignor Arduino Bertoldo, vescovo emerito di Foligno, ha fatto le seguenti considerazioni in meri [...]

[HOW TO] Change the user ID...

Let us suppose that you have a blog based on Wordpress and that you are also the administrator of that blog, of course. In such a case you should have at least an Admin account whose user ID value is generally set to 1. However, you may want to have also an Author account, different from the previous one, used to write posts and reply to el [...]

[HOW TO] Change default por...

If you wish to setup a complete server environment on your local machine to test your PHP-based Joomla or WordPress sites, just to mention a couple of popular platforms, you may want to use WampServer rather then separately install Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and other useful tools. In case you do it on a Windows operating sys [...]

[HOW TO] Get author info in...

If you wish to have a multilanguage site or blog based on the WordPress platform, qTranslate is the plugin for you. It makes really easy to develop and maintain multilanguage WordPress themes and sites. You have several way to provide texts in different languages. For example, you can take advantage of .po and .mo files by using the t [...]

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