Archive for category ‘Culture & Customs’

Culture & Customs

There is in the world a cultural diversity that represents for humanity a potential source of wealth as well as biodiversity is for nature. Let us learn to know it.

EXPO 2015, a missed opportu...

«Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.» That is the theme of EXPO 2015, that is, food. Lacking food, surplus food, wasted food, according to the country, the territory, the continent. Visiting the expo, I would expect to be immersed in the food, in its smells, its colors, in its flavors. I would expect to be able to try dishes u [...]

Homo Cyberneticus

Which one of you read the story of Bruce Bethke «Cyberpunk»? Although it was not the first of its kind, that story has given rise to a new sub-genre in the field of fantastic fiction that took its name from that publication. Perhaps one of the most famous exponents of the genre is William Ford Gibson, author of several sho [...]

Thought (57)

Shouldn't be the others' faults to justify mine, but their virtues to encourage me to improve. Dario de Judicibus, Torvaianica, August 14th, 2014 Translations Non devono essere i difetti degli altri a giustificare i miei, ma le loro virtù a spronarmi a essere migliore. Ils ne devraient pas être les fautes des autres [...]

Thought (55)

Hermeticism is the “wisdom” of power,clarity is the power of wisdom. Dario de Judicibus, Rome, March 14th, 2014 Translations L'ermetismo è la “saggezza” del potere, la chiarezza è il potere della saggezza. L'hermétisme est la “sagesse” de la puissance, la clarté est le pouvoir de l [...]


⇆ Diritti. Li rivendichiamo se non li abbiamo; protestiamo se riteniamo che qualcuno violi i nostri; dibattiamo se è giusto o meno che altri rivendichino i propri; calpestiamo quelli degli altri se confliggono con i nostri diritti o con i nostri interessi. Per i propri diritti si sono scatenate guerre e rivoluzioni; di diritti [...]

Google Languages

Who never used Google Maps or Street View raise his/her hand! OK, maybe someone is there, but there is no doubt that both applications are valuable projects, whose usefulness has changed the way in which we use to think the web. There are many projects of this kind in Internet now. Some have been more successful than others but everyo [...]

Wharf Jeremie, Belem Missio...

Wharf Jeremie, Belem Mission, Haitiby Janusz Gawronski Translation from Italian by Dario de Judicibus The tiny street unfolds between the shacks of the slum. It seems drawn by an invisible city planner. A real road, a driveway, between inhabited gutters and debris: in the absence of light-water-sewer-drain-schools-phones-tra [...]

A world of bacteria

I warn you as of now: if you are rupophobic, that is, if you have an obsession with cleanliness and hygiene, do not read this article. I take no responsibility if you do. If yours is not a phobia but you are anyway an avid consumer of antibacterial or antimicrobial products and prefer to buy soaps and detergents when they have these charact [...]

Italy Global Ranking 2013

There are many organizations in the world whose mission is to observe and evaluate countries, cities, companies, associations, and public and private institutions with respect certain parameters. Not all are equally reliable or completely impartial and not all of the criteria used to carry out such assessments are always acceptable and gene [...]

In which language I am look...

One of the major problems of many big brands of the web is that, even if they have a global approach, they remain fundamentally American, that is, they have a mono-cultural perspective. Someone might argue that if there is a country of a thousand cultures, these are precisely the United States of America, but in fact the inclusion of many d [...]

Walking through the streets...

On Sunday, taking advantage of a glorious day and since I still had to go out to vote, I went with my life's companion for a walk on the seafront in Ostia. On the pier in front of the central Ravennati Square there was a quite old busker, I think of Greek origin. He had a guitar and a speaker, an open case at his feet, in which curiou [...]

Revised and corrected Minis...

⇆ Questo l'elenco dei ministeri e dei ministri del Governo presieduto da Enrico Letta: Sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio: Filippo Patroni Griffi Interni e Vice Presidente: Angelino Alfano Difesa: Mario Mauro Esteri: Emma Bonino Giustizia: Anna Maria Cancellieri Economia: Fabrizio Saccomanni Riform [...]

Nothing for posterity

We live the age of information and multimedia content. Nowadays more than 2 billion people are connected to the web and produce every day a billion terabytes of data, which is more or less 90% of those that have been produced in the last two years, although many data are in fact redundant or duplicate. An explosive exponential progression, [...]

Happy ending

There are choices in life that are unjust, that is, that force you to choose between two evils. In practice, however you choose, you will hurt someone. Do you think you are able to bear that load? Because being mature means just that: not so much making the right choice at all, but the necessary one. If you think so, read the following [...]

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