Archive for author ‘Dario de Judicibus’

Dario de Judicibus

Dario de Judicibus is a Certified Managing Consultant of IBM Italia. He is also an inventor (5 patents) and a writer (2 manuals, 3 essays, one novel, two short tales and more than 250 articles published in hardcopy). He has many hobbies as playing guitar, photography, and martial arts.

Truth or facts?

Truth does not exist: facts exist. Perhaps you already heard this title's sentence: it is the favorite statements by one of the Italian journalists I most appreciate and for whom I have great respect: Pino Scaccia. It is a beautiful sentence. I cannot say anyway that it encloses a great truth because I would risk to gen [...]

The Drawn Democracy

Did you know that one of the main mechanisms that characterized for centuries democracy in Athens was based on drawing? For example, the 6,000 members of the Ήλιαία, that is the people's court, were drawn, as were the 500 members of the βουλή, that is, the re [...]


⇆ Quanto è successo con il Monte dei Paschi di Siena non deve affatto sorprendere e in effetti non ha sorpreso nessuno degli addetti ai lavori. Non si tratta di un caso isolato ma di un problema di politica bancaria che ha acceso un segnale d'allarme sul sistema creditizio italiano. Il problema tuttavia delle relazioni che ogg [...]

Sky: a loosing service

It is already several years I am a Sky customer and all things considered I do not get badly with regard their television offering. I am mainly interested to movies and television series — in particular Sci-Fi and Fox's — as well as I really love documentaries, especially by National Geographic and Discovery Channel. It is [...]

A vote for all

⇆ Votare è un diritto. Peccato che per poterlo esercitare a volte bisogna fare i salti mortali. Non c'è bisogno di essere alle Fiji il giorno delle elezioni per perderlo questo sacrosanto diritto: basta essere in un'altra città, anche solo poche decine di chilometri dal proprio seggio elettorale, e non avere la possibilità di [...]

Rome 2.0

Rome is a beautiful city, it has a mild climate and is a veritable open-air museum, not to mention the large amount of parks and green it possess. But to live here is not easy because there are many things that do not work, first of all the public transportation. To have a mayor who cares really our city, rather than his interests and [...]

The rights of others

One after another, several European countries are beginning to recognize same-sex couples more rights, until they will get to see themselves recognized the status of spouses. First Spain, now it's time for France and the United Kingdom. Come today, tomorrow or the next day, by now it is a trend that is becoming stronger and that will [...]

Total tax amnesty

I'm not going to get to do predictions on the upcoming elections, given the tangled situation that has arisen. However, I can make a judgment on the strategy that Silvio Berlusconi seems to have planned. The fact is that it is a very effective strategy and should not be underestimated by opponents because it's potentially winning. It [...]

[Satirical Amoebas] Histori...

Amoeba A: «For the 2013 elections 215 symbols have been registered!» Amoeba B: «In fact, they decided to replace the ballot with a fold brochure of 20 pages!»

[Satirical Amoebas] A serio...

⇆ Ameba A: «Finalmente una proposta seria su come evitare le stragi come quella avvenuta a Newtown, in Connecticut.» Ameba B: «E qual è?» Ameba C: «Ma è semplice: basta fornire ogni bambino di età superiore ai 6 anni di una pistola semiautomatica da 9mm!» ⇆

Digital ashes

A couple of years ago, the former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt said in a conference in California that every two days we create as much data as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003, something like five exabytes of data [Techonomy]. For the record, one exabyte is ten to the eighteenth bytes, or a trillion bytes. Someone al [...]

A book is forever

It seems now to be an established fact that sooner or later the digital publishing will replace the paper. The advantages are many, both for publishers and authors, but what about readers? Well, lower prices, the possibility of carrying around a whole library in a tablet as big as a paperback... you would say «yes, for them too» even if in [...]

That missing subject

⇆ Avete mai provato a dare un'occhiata alle materie che si studiano nella scuola secondaria in Italia? Come tutti sanno, gli otto anni previsti sono suddivisi in due gradi: tre anni di scuola secondaria inferiore, detta anche scuola media, e cinque di scuola secondaria superiore, detto anche liceo. Dopo la riforma Gelmini la s [...]

The Definition of Intelligence

The Definition of IntelligenceDr. Dario de JudicibusKnowledge Management Consultant ABSTRACT Intelligence has been defined in many different ways, but an operational definition that would form the foundations of a measurement that is totally objective, applicable to any individual regardless of context, and not influenced by the metho [...]

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