Archive for author ‘Dario de Judicibus’

Dario de Judicibus

Dario de Judicibus is a Certified Managing Consultant of IBM Italia. He is also an inventor (5 patents) and a writer (2 manuals, 3 essays, one novel, two short tales and more than 250 articles published in hardcopy). He has many hobbies as playing guitar, photography, and martial arts.

In which language I am look...

One of the major problems of many big brands of the web is that, even if they have a global approach, they remain fundamentally American, that is, they have a mono-cultural perspective. Someone might argue that if there is a country of a thousand cultures, these are precisely the United States of America, but in fact the inclusion of many d [...]

Walking through the streets...

On Sunday, taking advantage of a glorious day and since I still had to go out to vote, I went with my life's companion for a walk on the seafront in Ostia. On the pier in front of the central Ravennati Square there was a quite old busker, I think of Greek origin. He had a guitar and a speaker, an open case at his feet, in which curiou [...]

Thought (50)

The power has no ideologies, but rather wears them. Dario de Judicibus, Rome, May 16th, 2013 Translations Il potere non ha ideologie, semmai se ne veste. Le pouvoir n'a pas d'idéologie, mais les porte plutôt. Die Macht hat keine Ideologien, sondern trägt sie. El poder no tiene ideologías, sino que las se viste. [...]

Not all articles are the same

Take a newspaper and glance through its pages. Each sheet of paper contains several articles: some are short, others span multiple pages, all made of the same material, words. Yet each of those articles has a distinct value, a different weight. No surprise, you may say: it is evident that an article on the involvement of Kate and Will [...]

Revised and corrected Minis...

⇆ Questo l'elenco dei ministeri e dei ministri del Governo presieduto da Enrico Letta: Sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio: Filippo Patroni Griffi Interni e Vice Presidente: Angelino Alfano Difesa: Mario Mauro Esteri: Emma Bonino Giustizia: Anna Maria Cancellieri Economia: Fabrizio Saccomanni Riform [...]

Drunk Bonds

Generally I do not publish texts taken from other sites. All articles on this blog are original, they have been written by me or by other authors whom I occasionally host on « The Independent». This story, which has been shared on the web for a while, however, explains so clearly the causes of the current financial crisis, that [...]

Nothing for posterity

We live the age of information and multimedia content. Nowadays more than 2 billion people are connected to the web and produce every day a billion terabytes of data, which is more or less 90% of those that have been produced in the last two years, although many data are in fact redundant or duplicate. An explosive exponential progression, [...]

The easy way and the hard way

It's been more than fifteen months since I wrote «But is it really necessary to continue to grow?». In that article I asked myself if the model to pursue was really that of a continued economic growth, or rather it would better to build one based on quality of life and satisfying everybody's basic needs. My conclusion was that the cur [...]

Happy ending

There are choices in life that are unjust, that is, that force you to choose between two evils. In practice, however you choose, you will hurt someone. Do you think you are able to bear that load? Because being mature means just that: not so much making the right choice at all, but the necessary one. If you think so, read the following [...]

Brain myths

⇆ Il cervello umano adulto: un chilo e mezzo circa di una massa gelatinosa che occupa più o meno un volume di 1.200 centimetri cubi, caratterizzato da oltre 160.000 chilometri di connessioni sotto forma di assoni mielinizzati. Probabilmente l'organo più importante del nostro corpo, anche se ovviamente sono diversi gli organi di cui [...]

As you should not make offers

⇆ Ieri ho ricevuto il seguente messaggio di posta elettronica dal Programma Millemiglia dell'Alitalia: Gentile DARIO DE JUDICIBUS, in occasione dell'elezione del nuovo Papa, il Programma MilleMiglia ti offre un'opportunità davvero imperdibile per trascorrere un soggiorno a Roma e festeggiare questo evento unico. [...]

Gender or general violence?

⇆ Spesso si usa il femminicidio come esempio di una violenza quasi fisiologica che pervade gli esseri umani di sesso maschile. Ma quanto è dovuto veramente al genere e quanto alle circostanze che si vengono a creare nei rapporti affettivi, soprattutto fra persone che convivono da tempo e che hanno investito molto sul piano per [...]

Acts of violence

⇆ Ieri sera ero seduto nell'atrio di un albergo dove avevo appuntamento con un cliente, quando l'occhio mi è caduto su una copia del Corriere della Sera lasciata lì da qualche ospite dell'albergo. La giornata era stata caratterizzata da diversi fatti di sangue, fra suicidi e omicidi. Il primo fatto di cronaca riguardava una str [...]

The price of nothing

What a box of chocolates with coffee and an anti-wrinkle gel have in common? Two different brands, two completely different products, purchased in two different shops. Nothing, you might say. Yet they have something in common and you have just to open the two boxes to immediately realize it: in both packages there is a small cardboard bulkh [...]

In compliance with the appropriate provisions of the law I state that this site is no profit, has not a predefined recurrence and is not updated according to a deadline. It may therefore not be considered an editorial product under Italian law #62 of March 7th, 2001. In addition, this site makes use of the right of citation for academic and criticism provided in Article 10 of the Berne Convention on copyright.