Posts Tagged ‘eng’

There is nothing like a fla...

We are different. It is the real strength of human species. We have different habits, different mindsets, different cultural background, different languages, different history, different ways we dress, different styles, different behaviors, different food, different houses and architectures, different looks and physical aspect. That is not [...]

Thought (28)

Few things are really necessary, but why we should restrict ourselves to them? Dario de Judicibus, Rome, June 8th, 2009 Translations Le cose davvero indispensabili sono davvero poche, ma perché limitarsi a quelle? Peu de choses sont vraiment nécessaires, mais pourquoi nous devrions nous limiter à elles? Pocas cosas [...]

Thought (27)

There is no greater dilemma for those who love Peace and Freedom that winning the latter by abandoning the former. Dario de Judicibus, Milan, June 3rd, 2009 Translations Non c'è dilemma più grande per chi ama la Pace e la Libertà, che conquistarsi quest'ultima rinunciando alla prima.

Thought (26)

History teaches us that all too often people is its own executioner. Dario de Judicibus, Rome, April 11th, 2009 Translations La Storia ci insegna che troppo spesso il popolo è il carnefice di se stesso. L'Histoire nous enseigne que, trop souvent, les gens sont leur propre bourreau. Die Geschichte lehrt uns, dass al [...]

One shot two kills

That drawing is really disturbing: an armed Palestinian pregnant women caught in the crosshairs of a rifle, with both Hebrew and English caption meaning «One shot, two kills». A T-shirt for infantry snipers bears the inscription «Better use Durex» next to a picture of a dead Palestinian baby, with his weeping mothe [...]

2011: a Newspaper Odyssey

Few days ago I was giving a lecture about web 2.0 and the blogsphere at «Il Messaggero», the most popular daily newspaper in Rome, founded in 1878. At the end of the presentation, one of the journalists who participated to the course asked me: «What will happen to newspapers because of blogs and the web?». His fear [...]

Thought (25)

Life kills. Dario de Judicibus, Ostia, February 18th, 2009 Translations La vita uccide. La vie tue. Leben tötet. La vida mata. A vida mata. Жизнь убивает. 人生を殺す。 生命死 [...]

We have got the power

If I say «Web 2.0», probably most of you will think to social networks as Facebook, Myspace, or LinkedIn, social bookmarking services as Digg or, wiki as Wikipedia and blogging platforms as Blogger or Splinder, digital asset sharing services as YouTube or Flickr, and so forth. Hundred different sites and services f [...]

Dark Universe: just an idea

I was a physicist. I said "was" since I am no more. When I got my degree, in fact, I joined IBM and began a completely different career in the information technology sector. Since being a physicist is a vocation, anyway, not a job, I continued to get in touch with the most recent discoveries of scientific community by reading va [...]

Knowing is not enough

There is nothing more terrible than war and its effects, especially when innocent victims such as children are involved. Everybody knows, but knowing and seeing is different, as well as it is different to just see such effects and to live them. In the last few days, a video (do not click unless you are prepared to heavy images) s [...]

Thought (24)

You can understand what is really a war, just living it, but once you live it, you do not understand anymore what is peace. Dario de Judicibus, Rome, January 9th, 2009 Translations Si può capire cos'è davvero una guerra solo vivendola ma una volta che la si vive, non si capisce più cos'è la pace. On ne peut comprend [...]

Thought (23)

Probably the culture that will dominate the world is the one that speaks English. It is up to us, however, to avoid that is the one that thinks American. Dario de Judicibus, Rome, December 14th, 2008 Translations Probabilmente la cultura che dominerà il mondo sarà quella che parla inglese. Sta a noi, tuttavia, evit [...]

Tube Explorer

"L'Indipendente" Rating  Installation  Interface  Usefulness Videos are probably one of the most interesting resources in the web nowadays. If you are looking for a specific video you may want to go to YouTube or Google Video, but there are a lot of other places where videos are available in Internet. You can u [...]

Abolition of Paralympics

Two years ago I posted a provocative proposal on this blog. It was in Italian language, since I posted only in my mother-tongue at that time. However, since next Olympics will be held in London on 2012, I decided to propose it again in English language too. So, here it is. LET US ABOLISH THE PARALYMPICS Yes. That is exactly what you read [...]

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