Archive for category ‘Science & Technologies’

Science & Technologies

Although each of us is literally surrounded by a variety of technologies, yet very few understand the scientific thought and method. The purpose of this column is to reduce this gap.

Polvere di blog

È finito il BlogFest 2008. Bene. Sono stati decretati i vincitori del Macchianera Blog Awards 2008. Aribene. Sapete chi ha vinto il premio per il Miglior Blog 2008? Indovinate un po'? Ma sì, proprio lui! Il Grillone Nazionale: Beppe Grillo! Bene? Mah, se lo dite voi... Perché? Perché quello di Grillo non è un blog, eccco perché. Certo, [...]

Qualcosa da dire

Questo non è il mio solito articolo. In genere non parlo di articoli scritti da altri blogger, ma questa volta ho deciso di fare un'eccezione. Stasera sono andato a fare un salto sul blog di Mauro Lupi per leggerne l'ultimo articolo. Si intitola «Robin Good e il nuovo MasterNewMedia» e parla della nuova strategia editoriale [...]

FaJo XP File Security Exten...

«L'Indipendente» Rating  Installation  Interface  Usefulness Note: advanced users only! Yesterday I got in trouble with few files I created by a graphics editing program on Windows XP Home. File had regularly been created but there was no way to do anything with them after closing the application: I could not [...]

Sustainable Web

The first time I connected my computer to a network, it was on May 1984. The computer was an Amiga 1000, the network was a BBS by MC-Link, and the device I used to connect was a 300bps modem. Downloading a 10K image required a lot of time and since that connection occurred on a traditional telephonic line, it was very expensive too. There [...]

First impressions on Google...

Today I downloaded Chrome, the new browser by Google, and I used it for the whole day. I stressed it a little bit, but of course it was not an exhaustive test: just a first impression, for the moment. So, it is possible that some drawback is not Chrome's fault but mine, that is, I have not yet worked with it for long. Anyway, here is it. [...]

OGM naturale

Molti esseri umani sono semplicemente terrorizzati al pensiero che il loro DNA possa essere "contaminato" dal genoma di altri esseri viventi. Un piccolo invertebrato acquatico, invece, ne ha fatta una questione di sopravvivenza. Il rotifero bdelloideo è un animale le cui origini risalgono ai primordi della storia della vita sull [...]

Steven Chu a Roma

Steven Chu a Roma di Giuseppe Sturiale ROMA - Festival della Scienza: Steven Chu, fisico sperimentale e Premio Nobel per la Fisica 1997, ha parlato dello stato del pianeta, dell'ambiente e del futuro dell'energia. Il professore Steven Chu, fisico sperimentale e premio Nobel per la Fisica nel 1997, ha parlato all'Auditorium di Roma [...]

Galaxy Zoo

Let us speak of "Web 2.0": which names would cross your minds, first? Probably Wikipedia, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Flikr, Digg,, Technorati, or LinkedIn, just to mention fews. Coocun Nebula Courtesy of Galaxy Zoo and SDSS It is a very heterogeneous set, since those sites are used for many different purposes: Di [...]

Dominant culture speaks Eng...

Yesterday I watched two documentaries, one on Discovery Civilization and another one on History Channel. Both channels are included in one of the bouquets of SKY Italia, the main pay-tv we have in Italy, resulting from the merge of Stream and Telepiù televisions. Just consider that in Italy we practically have no cable TV, since we have a [...]

iPhone 3G prices all over t...

Few days to go before the launch of the new iPhone 3G. How much it will cost in Italy? What's about the other countries of the world? Publishing an exhaustive and complete comparison table is a challenge, because of the many different plans and offerings from a lot of different providers. I tried to report the cheapest offerings in every [...]

Ghost avatars

One of the major limitations of Second Life is the maximum number of avatars that can access the same sim at the same time. For class 5 sims this number is about 100, in theory, but when there are more than 60 avatars in the same island you can experiment severe problems of lag, especially if those avatars have several attachments with ru [...]

Internet killed the paperba...

Few months ago I had a very heated argument with a guy from France. He insisted on saying that I never published the books that I wrote since he was not able to find them in Internet by ISBN. It was probably only a provocation, of course, since it is not so difficult to find my books in Internet, both on the publisher sites and in the maj [...]

Beyond tagging

According to Wikipedia, a tag is "a relevant keyword or term associated with or assigned to a piece of information". Really tags are very useful to associate concepts to digital objects like images, audio and video files, widgets and applets. There are two advantages using tags. First, the possibility to categorize digital con [...]


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