Archive for June 2016

Thought (59)

Democracy is sometimes the right to make the wrong choices. Dario de Judicibus, Rome, June 24th, 2016 Translations La democrazia consiste, a volte, anche nel diritto a fare le scelte sbagliate. La democracia es a veces el derecho de tomar las decisiones equivocadas. A democracia é, por vezes, o direito de fazer as [...]

The Hordes of Darkness, Del...

First edition of the second volume of the Cycle of the Black Blade, published by Delos Digital and available in Kindle and ePub formats. The Hordes of Darkness Series: Odyssey Digital Fantasy, Issue: #9, Publisher: Delos Digital, ISBN: 978-88-653-0746-5, Pages: 821, Cover illustrator: Michela Cacciatore. Back cover The invasion [...]

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