Archive for May 2013

Walking through the streets...

On Sunday, taking advantage of a glorious day and since I still had to go out to vote, I went with my life's companion for a walk on the seafront in Ostia. On the pier in front of the central Ravennati Square there was a quite old busker, I think of Greek origin. He had a guitar and a speaker, an open case at his feet, in which curiou [...]

Thought (50)

The power has no ideologies, but rather wears them. Dario de Judicibus, Rome, May 16th, 2013 Translations Il potere non ha ideologie, semmai se ne veste. Le pouvoir n'a pas d'idéologie, mais les porte plutôt. Die Macht hat keine Ideologien, sondern trägt sie. El poder no tiene ideologías, sino que las se viste. [...]

Not all articles are the same

Take a newspaper and glance through its pages. Each sheet of paper contains several articles: some are short, others span multiple pages, all made of the same material, words. Yet each of those articles has a distinct value, a different weight. No surprise, you may say: it is evident that an article on the involvement of Kate and Will [...]

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