Posts Tagged ‘scienza’

Happy ending

There are choices in life that are unjust, that is, that force you to choose between two evils. In practice, however you choose, you will hurt someone. Do you think you are able to bear that load? Because being mature means just that: not so much making the right choice at all, but the necessary one. If you think so, read the following [...]

Brain myths

⇆ Il cervello umano adulto: un chilo e mezzo circa di una massa gelatinosa che occupa più o meno un volume di 1.200 centimetri cubi, caratterizzato da oltre 160.000 chilometri di connessioni sotto forma di assoni mielinizzati. Probabilmente l'organo più importante del nostro corpo, anche se ovviamente sono diversi gli organi di cui [...]

The origin of life

Often I hear people ask: how is it possible that to a certain point a combination of organic and inorganic molecules has developed life? How cannot all this be attributed to the intervention of some superior entity, a creator god? In fact when we look at a cat and a piece of rock, it is quite difficult to imagine how in the end they a [...]

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