Archive for Thursday, 9 July 2009

La deriva dell’inform...

Riporto qui l'ultimo articolo pubblicato da Beppe Servegnini sul blog che ha sul sito del, ovvero Italians. Lo riporto per intero perché non ha un permalink e quindi non ho potuto pubblicare qui un riferimento permanente o utilizzare un trackback. Così ci guardano i media stranieri The plot against Italy? Il complotto contr [...]

In compliance with the appropriate provisions of the law I state that this site is no profit, has not a predefined recurrence and is not updated according to a deadline. It may therefore not be considered an editorial product under Italian law #62 of March 7th, 2001. In addition, this site makes use of the right of citation for academic and criticism provided in Article 10 of the Berne Convention on copyright.