Archive for February 2008

Beyond tagging

According to Wikipedia, a tag is "a relevant keyword or term associated with or assigned to a piece of information". Really tags are very useful to associate concepts to digital objects like images, audio and video files, widgets and applets. There are two advantages using tags. First, the possibility to categorize digital con [...]

Affissione selvaggia

Nel maggio del 2005 scrissi un articolo per denunciare l'assoluto stato di degrado nella XVI Circoscrizione dovuto all'affissione selvaggia di annunci commerciali, specialmente a carattere immobiliare. Il quartiere era letteralmente tappezzato di cartelli, manifesti e volantini attaccati ai lampioni, incollati ai cassonetti, affissi sui [...]

Mr. Clooney and me

According to MyHeritage, I am 60% (!) like George Clooney, and to demonstrate this, the site provided me with a morphing animation generated from a portrait of mine and a picture of the famous actor. I suppose I should be gratified by that, but, if it is true.... why I have not 60% of his money, his popularity and above all... his girls [...]


PRODUCT SHEET Program: Version: Developers: Country: Site: Installation: Capabilities: Usability: Rating: [...]

Enterprise 2.0

How can a company take advantage of Web 2.0? Does it make really sense to move to the new web paradigm for a profit company? Which are the real advantages? Which the risks and the drawbacks? Every time a new technology arises, companies investigate about the possibility to make use of it in order to obtain some competitive or strategi [...]

Ragionando sull’aborto

Si parla molto d'aborto in questi giorni e ognuno si affanna da una parte a portare argomentazioni a supporto della propria posizione, qualunque essa sia, dall'altra ad attaccare quelle degli avversari spesso arrivando anche ad usare parole molto dure, ovvero a criminalizzare l'opinione altrui. Ci sono sostanzialmente due posizioni: [...]

Semantic database

A little bit of history Data base term was introduced for the first time in 1963 by Kenneth Swanson in a technical memo bearing the title of "Development and Management of a Computer-centered Data Base" [1]. In the early 1970s the two words were linked together to form the well-known neologism database. By the way, the first dat [...]

Web 2.0 Orientation Map

In one of my latest articles, I proposed a definition of Web 2.0 which focused on human relationships from a social point of view, and on service-oriented architecture, from a technological perspective. Of course, such a definition cannot explain in detail a diversified and complex world as Web 2.0 is. As Tim O'Reilly said in a very [...]

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