Articoli etichettati ‘eng’

Disney… what a wonder...

I have a teenage daughter. Like many girls of the same age, she likes to watch Disney Channel's TV series: High School Musical, Zack & Cody, Waverly Place, Lizzie McGuire, Hannah Montana, Raven, Camp Rock, just to mention fews. Since she watches the tube in the dining room where I often work with my laptop, I had the possibility to ga [...]

Dominant culture speaks Eng...

Yesterday I watched two documentaries, one on Discovery Civilization and another one on History Channel. Both channels are included in one of the bouquets of SKY Italia, the main pay-tv we have in Italy, resulting from the merge of Stream and Telepiù televisions. Just consider that in Italy we practically have no cable TV, since we have a [...]

Pensiero (17)

Non ho ancora deciso cosa vorrei essere nella prossima vita, perché non ho ancora capito cosa abbia sbagliato in questa. Dario de Judicibus, Ostia, 13 luglio 2008 Traduzioni I have not decided what I want to be in the next life, because I have not yet figured out what I did wrong in this one.

Pensiero (16)

Si ama una persona, ma ci si innamora di un'idea. Dario de Judicibus, Roma, 16 maggio 2008 Traduzioni We love a person, but we fell in love with an idea. NOTA: questo pensiero è nato durante una discussione sulla differenza fra amore e innamoramento. Il concetto è che quest'ultimo ha spesso come punto di [...]

Ghost avatars

One of the major limitations of Second Life is the maximum number of avatars that can access the same sim at the same time. For class 5 sims this number is about 100, in theory, but when there are more than 60 avatars in the same island you can experiment severe problems of lag, especially if those avatars have several attachments with ru [...]

Odissea the Musical in Seco...

The Pæstum theatre of Italia Vera in Second Life is pleased and proud to present the first live musical in Second Life, Odissea The Musical by Marco and Massimo Grieco The first night, on May 9th, 2008 at 9.30PM CEST (12.30PM PDT), will be a charity show to raise funds for AMREF, the African Medical Research Foundation. Entr [...]

Internet killed the paperba...

Few months ago I had a very heated argument with a guy from France. He insisted on saying that I never published the books that I wrote since he was not able to find them in Internet by ISBN. It was probably only a provocation, of course, since it is not so difficult to find my books in Internet, both on the publisher sites and in the maj [...]


L'unica cosa davvero riciclata al 100% nel nostro Paese: la classe politica! The only thing that is 100% recycled in Italy: the political class! La seule chose qui est recyclé à 100% en Italie: la classe [...]

Pensiero (15)

La società moderna non ha abolito la schiavitù, l'ha solo regolamentata. Dario de Judicibus, Roma, 15 marzo 2008 Traduzioni Modern society did not abolish slavery, but only regulated it. La société moderne n'a pas aboli l'esclavage, mais seulement elle a réglementé ce-là. Die moderne Gesellschaft nicht abschaffen S [...]

We are all normal

Look at the image below, on the left. She is a normal girl, is she? So what does make her «normal»? Well, she has two legs, two arms, one head, and she can see, speak, ear, think. Just an ordinary girl. Now, look on the right. He is a normal boy, is he? So what does make him «normal»? Well, he has two legs, two arms, [...]

Pensiero (14)

Ognuno di noi può diventare qualsiasi cosa desideri, e il fatto di non rendersene conto è l'unica cosa che può davvero impedirlo. Dario de Judicibus, Parigi, 12 febbraio 2008 Traduzioni Each of us can become anything we wish, and the only thing that can really prevent it is not realizing that.

Beyond tagging

According to Wikipedia, a tag is "a relevant keyword or term associated with or assigned to a piece of information". Really tags are very useful to associate concepts to digital objects like images, audio and video files, widgets and applets. There are two advantages using tags. First, the possibility to categorize digital con [...]

Mr. Clooney and me

According to MyHeritage, I am 60% (!) like George Clooney, and to demonstrate this, the site provided me with a morphing animation generated from a portrait of mine and a picture of the famous actor. I suppose I should be gratified by that, but, if it is true.... why I have not 60% of his money, his popularity and above all... his girls [...]


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