Articoli etichettati ‘web 20’

Facebook, NON mi piace Ande...

⇆ Anders Behring Breivik If you search on Facebook for Anders Behring Breivik, the alleged bomber and shooter of the recent terrorist outrages in Oslo, you will find a long list of pages. If you wish to follow any page of that list and post your own comments, you have to click "Like" on them. Really hard to do in this [...]

Oltre lo specchio

Oltre lo specchioIl manifesto della Realtà Totaledi Dario de Judicibus Spesso, nei romanzi di fantascienza, astronavi futuristiche e intrepidi pionieri spaziali attraversano invisibili brecce nel continuum spazio temporale per varcare distanze interstellari in tempi rapidissimi, aggirando così il limite della velocità della luce. C [...]

Total Reality

We live in two different worlds: the real world, the one where, for instance, we walk, eat, and sleep, and the virtual one, where we share content, gather information, communicate. In the real world we directly interact with objects and people by using our body and our senses whereas, to access the virtual world, we need specific devices [...]

Art 2.0

Can a work of art be the product of collective creativity? We are used to think to the artist as a very peculiar individual, mostly self-centered, out of schemes, sometimes introverted and asocial, often capricious and extravagant, not really inclined to teamwork and collaboration. However creativity is a human characteristic, that is, [...]

Technorati: the War of Lang...

It took more than two months to resubmit my blog to Technorati after the major change they applied to their site, but eventually I received the following communication: Jan 19, 2010. Congratulations, you claim is now complete! However, since it is not an English site, we are not currently able to index your posts. Please see https://techno [...]

Facebook, not yet an intern...

Facebook is probably one of the most popular social networks. Like many other web tools (Google, YouTube, eBay, and so forth) it was developed in USA and, like many other web tools, it quickly became popular worldwide. Nowadays Facebook is used everywhere in the world and people use it to communicate and share contents in mostly any language [...]

Apologia di reato e libera ...

Sono sempre stato contrario alla legge 20 giugno 1952, n. 645, detta anche Legge Scelba, ovvero a quella legge che prevede il reato di apologia del fascismo e nello specifico nei confronti di chi «pubblicamente esalta esponenti, princìpi, fatti o metodi del fascismo, oppure le sue finalità antidemocratiche». Lo sono proprio in q [...]

Digging the Digg

I often use Digg to share bookmarks. When I submit a link, I am requested to specify a topic to facilitate other people to find it. Well, it is a fact that no taxonomy is really exhaustive and that every attempt to group articles by categories is based on a subjective point of view, however the Digg's selected topics are really a mystery for [...]

The Enterprise 2.0 Revolution

The Enterprise 2.0 Revolution by Dario de Judicibus WHITE PAPER PUBLISHED ON JULY 7TH 2009 What is Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is a knowledge-oriented environment where human interactions generate contents that are published, managed and used through network applications in a service oriented architecture. Dario de Judicibus, IBM (June 2008) [...]

2011: a Newspaper Odyssey

Few days ago I was giving a lecture about web 2.0 and the blogsphere at «Il Messaggero», the most popular daily newspaper in Rome, founded in 1878. At the end of the presentation, one of the journalists who participated to the course asked me: «What will happen to newspapers because of blogs and the web?». His fear [...]

We have got the power

If I say «Web 2.0», probably most of you will think to social networks as Facebook, Myspace, or LinkedIn, social bookmarking services as Digg or, wiki as Wikipedia and blogging platforms as Blogger or Splinder, digital asset sharing services as YouTube or Flickr, and so forth. Hundred different sites and services f [...]

Dal Web 2.0 all’Enter...

Dal Web 2.0 all'Enterprise 2.0 di Dario de Judicibus «Tutti lo cercano, tutti lo vogliono» Potrebbe iniziare così il tormentone 2009 dell'hit parade delle tecnologie più desiderate del momento nel mondo imprenditoriale. Mi riferisco al web 2.0, questo misterioso oggetto del desiderio di cui tutti parlano ma dal quale poc [...]


If you think that web is made of hardware, software, networks, and people, forget it. True, but mostly irrelevant. Thinking the web as a mix of human and artificial components is just like saying that an individual is bones, muscles, blood, and nerves. True, again, but surely not enough to explain the complexity of a human being, especial [...]

Six degrees of separation

"Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is an average of six steps away from each person on Earth." Six degrees of separation, English Wikipedia This concept is one of t [...]


Nel rispetto delle apposite norme di legge si dichiara che questo sito non ha alcun scopo di lucro, non ha una periodicità prestabilita e non viene aggiornato secondo alcuna scadenza prefissata. Pertanto non può essere considerato un prodotto editoriale ai sensi della legge italiana n. 62 del 7 marzo 2001. Inoltre questo sito si avvale del diritto di citazione a scopo accademico e di critica previsto dall'Articolo 10 della Convenzione di Berna sul diritto d'autore.