Articoli etichettati ‘eng’


If you think that web is made of hardware, software, networks, and people, forget it. True, but mostly irrelevant. Thinking the web as a mix of human and artificial components is just like saying that an individual is bones, muscles, blood, and nerves. True, again, but surely not enough to explain the complexity of a human being, especial [...]

Pensiero (22)

La guerra può essere una risposta, non la soluzione. Dario de Judicibus, Lucca, 1° Dicembre 2008 Traduzioni The war can be an answer, not the solution. La guerre peut être une réponse, pas la solution. Der Krieg kann eine Antwort, nicht die Lösung. La guerra puede ser una respuesta, no la solución. A guerra pode s [...]

Pensiero (21)

Il difetto di Dio è quello di essere perfetto. Dario de Judicibus, Roma, 28 Novembre 2008 Traduzioni The God's fault is to be perfect. La faute de Dieu est d'être parfait. Der Fehler von Gott ist zu perfekt. El defecto de Dios es ser perfecto. A culpa de Deus é ser perfeito.

Qualche anno di troppo?

Pubblicato oggi sul Corriere della Sera: Un gruppo di ricercatori tedeschi l'ha individuata nei pressi di Eulau La prima famiglia della storia: sepolta 4600 anni fa Padre e madre nella tomba con i due figli: tutti vittime di un'aggressione da parte di un' [...]

Thought (20)

Non ci sono limiti a quello che possiamo fare, a parte noi stessi. Dario de Judicibus, Città di Castello, 12 novembre 2008 Traduzioni There is no limitation to what we can do, but ourselves. Il n'y a pas de limites à ce que nous pouvons faire, mais nous-mêmes. Es gibt keine Grenzen, was wir tun können, aber uns. No [...]

[Hints & Tips] Persona...

As usual, here is the solution to a problem I experienced with Office 2007, just in case it could save some time to someone else. Problem Since I installed Office 2007, when I double-clicked on any XLS file to open it, Excel 2007 opened but did not load the file or [...]

Google Garden Gnomes

Announcement October 31, 2008 Google Announces Launch of Google Garden Gnomes Technology Google today announced the release of beta version of 3G, that is, Google Garden Gnomes, an innovative mapping and local search application for garden gnomes. Google is working with various associations and groups of volunteers to map most garden gn [...]

Six degrees of separation

"Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is an average of six steps away from each person on Earth." Six degrees of separation, English Wikipedia This concept is one of t [...]

We are all disabled

On March 2008 I published an article on this blog where I stated that we are all different, and thence that we are all normal, included disabled people, because being different is the normality. If you have not read it, you may want to do it before continuing to read this one. Now I wish to demonstrate exactly the opposite, that is, that we [...]

Managed slump

What's happening in Europe? Are we experimenting the same pain of the USA financial markets? I don't think so. The European and the American credit systems are different. There is no reason why European Stock Exchange yesterday suffered their biggest one-day fall in the last 20 years. Unless... Well, let us suppose that you are a Europ [...]

Open letter to Spike Lee

Open letter to Spike Lee by Didala Ghilarducci Translation from Italian of the original letter by Dario de Judicibus Dear Mr. Lee, my name is Didala Ghilarducci. I am a former partisan. My husband, Chittò, was killed by the Nazis in the Versiliese mountains a few weeks after the massacre of Sant'Anna di Stazzema, in that terrible Au [...]

[Amebe Satiriche] Un romanz...

⇆ Amoeba A: «Did really President Bush decide to include in his bailout plan a special fund to reprint an old science fiction novel?» Amoeba B: «Yes, sure! "Depression or Bust and Dawnman Planet" by Mack Reynolds!» ⇆

The Digital Dark Age

Preface Yesterday my 13-years old daughter called me for help because her laptop hard disk was rather full. It was a matter of minutes to realize that most of her storage (i.e. 90%) was filled by images, audio and video files. In fact, she has a camera and she likes to take lots of snapshots of her friends. Since her digital camera allows [...]

Draculea the Musical in Sec...

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 — 21:30 CEST (12.30 SLT) Living in Tuscany and Treasure of Tuscany lands «Draculea - Nel Sangue e nell'Amore», the musical, is coming to Second Life! The show is sponsored by the major Italian blood donor association: AVIS (Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangue). On Septe [...]

Nel rispetto delle apposite norme di legge si dichiara che questo sito non ha alcun scopo di lucro, non ha una periodicità prestabilita e non viene aggiornato secondo alcuna scadenza prefissata. Pertanto non può essere considerato un prodotto editoriale ai sensi della legge italiana n. 62 del 7 marzo 2001. Inoltre questo sito si avvale del diritto di citazione a scopo accademico e di critica previsto dall'Articolo 10 della Convenzione di Berna sul diritto d'autore.