Articoli etichettati ‘web’

Google Mobile Voice? There&...

A couple of days ago Sean Kovacs, the developer of Google Voice Mobile, posted on his blog a piece of news reporting that Richard Chipman from Apple just called and told him they were removing GV Mobile from the App Store due to it duplicating features that the iPhone comes with. No furt [...]

There is nothing like a fla...

We are different. It is the real strength of human species. We have different habits, different mindsets, different cultural background, different languages, different history, different ways we dress, different styles, different behaviors, different food, different houses and architectures, different looks and physical aspect. That is not [...]


If you think that web is made of hardware, software, networks, and people, forget it. True, but mostly irrelevant. Thinking the web as a mix of human and artificial components is just like saying that an individual is bones, muscles, blood, and nerves. True, again, but surely not enough to explain the complexity of a human being, especial [...]

Six degrees of separation

"Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is an average of six steps away from each person on Earth." Six degrees of separation, English Wikipedia This concept is one of t [...]

Upon whom can we rely?

Abstract Nowadays, reliability of contents is extremely important in the web. We can mostly find any kind of information in Internet, but how much reliable is a source? How much accurate are the pieces of information provided? Several feed aggregators and site directories have defined various criteria to rate sites and blogs, but most of the [...]

Polvere di blog

È finito il BlogFest 2008. Bene. Sono stati decretati i vincitori del Macchianera Blog Awards 2008. Aribene. Sapete chi ha vinto il premio per il Miglior Blog 2008? Indovinate un po'? Ma sì, proprio lui! Il Grillone Nazionale: Beppe Grillo! Bene? Mah, se lo dite voi... Perché? Perché quello di Grillo non è un blog, eccco perché. Certo, [...]

Qualcosa da dire

Questo non è il mio solito articolo. In genere non parlo di articoli scritti da altri blogger, ma questa volta ho deciso di fare un'eccezione. Stasera sono andato a fare un salto sul blog di Mauro Lupi per leggerne l'ultimo articolo. Si intitola «Robin Good e il nuovo MasterNewMedia» e parla della nuova strategia editoriale [...]

Sustainable Web

The first time I connected my computer to a network, it was on May 1984. The computer was an Amiga 1000, the network was a BBS by MC-Link, and the device I used to connect was a 300bps modem. Downloading a 10K image required a lot of time and since that connection occurred on a traditional telephonic line, it was very expensive too. There [...]

First impressions on Google...

Today I downloaded Chrome, the new browser by Google, and I used it for the whole day. I stressed it a little bit, but of course it was not an exhaustive test: just a first impression, for the moment. So, it is possible that some drawback is not Chrome's fault but mine, that is, I have not yet worked with it for long. Anyway, here is it. [...]

Dominant culture speaks Eng...

Yesterday I watched two documentaries, one on Discovery Civilization and another one on History Channel. Both channels are included in one of the bouquets of SKY Italia, the main pay-tv we have in Italy, resulting from the merge of Stream and Telepiù televisions. Just consider that in Italy we practically have no cable TV, since we have a [...]

Internet killed the paperba...

Few months ago I had a very heated argument with a guy from France. He insisted on saying that I never published the books that I wrote since he was not able to find them in Internet by ISBN. It was probably only a provocation, of course, since it is not so difficult to find my books in Internet, both on the publisher sites and in the maj [...]

Web 2.0 Orientation Map

In one of my latest articles, I proposed a definition of Web 2.0 which focused on human relationships from a social point of view, and on service-oriented architecture, from a technological perspective. Of course, such a definition cannot explain in detail a diversified and complex world as Web 2.0 is. As Tim O'Reilly said in a very [...]

WiiRemote: the new 3D Inter...

Often, during my presentations concerning Second Life, the metaverses, and 3D Internet in general, I stated that in the future the interaction with virtual worlds will not require any complicated wearable tool, as helmets and big gloves, but light devices or no device at all, taking advantage of technologies like the one used by Nintendo [...]

Tokyo (Web 2.0) Underground...

Come mi capita sempre più spesso da un po' di tempo a questa parte, colgo l'occasione offertami da un fatto specifico per fare una serie di considerazioni di carattere generale e navigare così, di concetto in concetto, fino ad approdare a un'isola diversa. Non me ne vogliate. Quello che conta è il viaggio, non la meta. Poco prima che me [...]

Nel rispetto delle apposite norme di legge si dichiara che questo sito non ha alcun scopo di lucro, non ha una periodicità prestabilita e non viene aggiornato secondo alcuna scadenza prefissata. Pertanto non può essere considerato un prodotto editoriale ai sensi della legge italiana n. 62 del 7 marzo 2001. Inoltre questo sito si avvale del diritto di citazione a scopo accademico e di critica previsto dall'Articolo 10 della Convenzione di Berna sul diritto d'autore.