Posts Tagged ‘olimpiadi’

Honor to the real merit

⇆ Al momento in cui sto scrivendo, il medagliere italiano è il seguente: #DisciplinaTOT 1Scherma3227 2Tiro a Segno1203 3Tiro a Volo1102 4Taekwondo1012 5Canoa1001 6Tiro con l'Arco1001 7Pugilato0213 8Canottaggio0101 9Pallanuoto0101 10Atletica Leggera0011 11Mountain Bike0011 12Ginnastica Artistica0011 [...]

Abolition of Paralympics

Two years ago I posted a provocative proposal on this blog. It was in Italian language, since I posted only in my mother-tongue at that time. However, since next Olympics will be held in London on 2012, I decided to propose it again in English language too. So, here it is. LET US ABOLISH THE PARALYMPICS Yes. That is exactly what you read [...]

A shameful final

After the scandal of the rigged ranking for the men's rings contest, where Andrea Coppolino and Matteo Morandi have been unfairly penalized to ensure the silver medal to the Chinese Yang Wei, another shameful verdict concerning the gymnastics rhythmic event. Italy ranked the 4th place in the group all-around final even if the Russia [...]

Cittadelle dello sport

Mancano un paio di giornate alla fine dei Giochi Olimpici di Pechino e come di consueto i vari giornali e telegiornali italiani inizieranno a tirare le somme di quest'avventura. Si esalteranno gli eroi e si scateneranno mille polemiche e dibattiti sulle delusioni, su quello che avremmo potuto fare, sul perché e sul dove abbiamo perso. Nes [...]

Questionable rings

Andrea Coppolino Matteo Morandi In the Men's Rings final competition at the 2008 Summer Olympics I watched three perfect exercises: those ones of the Chinese Chen Yibing and of the two Italians, Matteo Morandi and Andrea Coppolino. The [...]

European Union at the Olymp...

On November 1st, 2004, I sent a proposal to all Olympic Committees of European Union. The proposal was very simple: to select, before the beginning of the games, no more than three athletes for each competition out of those ones participating for the various countries of European Union. Therefore, those athletes would compete for two flag [...]

Let us abolish the Paralympics

We often talk about equal opportunities and equal dignity, but also when we try to apply these principles with the best will and in good faith, we sometimes end up to fall in even a more subtle form of segregation and distinction. An example? The Paralympics. A superb initiative: it is really beautiful, fabulous, spectacular to s [...]

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