Posts Tagged ‘eng’

Where are Sofia’s nudes?

Sometimes I have the impression that Google censor data that it collects on the net, but not according to moral criteria, rather to pressure from certain groups of power. Take for example Sofia Hellqvist, the most recent flame of Swedish Prince Carl Philip. She is told to be a glamour model by Wikipedia and other sites. Only a fe [...]

Michel Moreau

Typically, when traveling on business, I have very little chance of seeing something, even when I go abroad. In the evening I put away papers used during the day, I prepare papers for the next day or I am simply so tired that I go to bed early. Sometimes, however, I happen to have some spare minute and I go to the restaurant for dinner, so [...]

Thought (41)

The real freedom is first of all from ourselves. Dario de Judicibus, Ostia, February 3rd, 2011 Translations La vera libertà è prima di tutto da noi stessi. La vraie liberté est d'abord de nous-mêmes. Die wahre Freiheit ist in erster Linie von uns selbst. La verdadera libertad es ante todo de nosotros mismos. A ver [...]

Thought (40)

A truly intelligent personis the one who can also learnfrom less clever people. Dario de Judicibus, Milan, January 12th, 2011 Translations Una persona davvero intelligente è quella che riesce a imparare anche da chi lo è molto meno di lei. Une personne vraiment intelligente est celle qui peut aussi apprendre des gens [...]

Review of Corel PaintShop P...

One of the applications that I absolutly use the most is Paint Shop Pro — PSP, for friends — a product for graphics and digital image processing. I have a license as far back as 1996, when it was still a shareware product, that is, from version 4.00, which I continued to update even when it became a commercial product with the a [...]

First Lady, a relic of the ...

If I asked a random person what he/she believes is currently the most civilized form of government, he/she would probably answer that is democracy. Despite all its flaws, in fact, the benefits of a democratic system outweigh the disadvantages. Of course, if we think of democracy as a system where there are no more privileges and that is rea [...]

No eBooks

Niente eBook prego, siamo italiani Se si scorre l'iBookstore utilizzando un iPad o un iPhone in cerca di libri elettronici in lingua italiana, basta poco per rendersi conto come se ne trovino davvero pochi. Lo stesso vale per Amazon: di libri digitali in italiano ce ne sono pochissimi, per lo più classici o opere [...]

CardScan Executive: so litt...

Cardscan Executive 800c So little to be perfect by Dario de Judicibus from Rome, Italy (EU) on December 7th, 2010. Designed for the power user and those with more advanced contact management needs, CardScan Executive allows you to scan, drag and drop or import contacts, and manage them with ease. Synchronize your data with Outlook&r [...]

No passport visa for Google...

It looks like crossing borders can be a problem in virtual worlds too. We know how difficult is for Mexican people to enter in United States in violation of U.S. immigration law. According to the U.S. Border Patrol, there were 1,954 migrant deaths along the Mexico-U.S. border between 1998 and 2004. Well, it looks like that crossing the Un [...]

Praise for conflict

Biodiversity is a patrimony for nature. Similarly, ethnodiversity, that is, cultural diversity, is a patrimony for a society. However, diversity unavoidably takes to conflicts. In nature conflicts are one of the foundation of natural selection, but in our society we try to avoid them or, at least, to moderate them. In fact, a lot of peop [...]

Thought (39)

Some politicians are so accustomed to look after their affairsto consider themselves even honest people. Dario de Judicibus, Anagni, October 27th, 2010 Translations Alcuni politici sono talmente abituati a fare i loro interessi da considerarsi addirittura delle persone oneste. Certains politiciens sont tellement habi [...]

Total Reality

We live in two different worlds: the real world, the one where, for instance, we walk, eat, and sleep, and the virtual one, where we share content, gather information, communicate. In the real world we directly interact with objects and people by using our body and our senses whereas, to access the virtual world, we need specific devices [...]

Thought (38)

There is nothing better representingthe love of a parent for his/her childthan watching over his/her sleep. Dario de Judicibus, Mount Argentario, August 26th, 2010 Translations Non c'è nulla che rappresenti meglio l'amore di un genitore per il proprio figlio quanto vegliare sul suo sonno.

Thought (37)

The perfect woman is the one who chooses youeven if you are not perfect at all. Dario de Judicibus, Chieti, August 6th, 2010 Translations La donna perfetta è quella che ti sceglie anche se tu, perfetto, non lo sei per niente.

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